
Posts Tagged ‘Konbini’

Random Weirdness from Japan

November 1, 2008 Leave a comment

Ok, so living day to day in Japan you certainly see you fair share of weirdness, particularly if you stray to areas such as Akihabara or Harajuku. But that type of thing aside, there is still a vast number of things which surprise me on a daily basis. Here are two prime examples.

First example, I saw this soccer mum mobile recently, and it was amazingly low, so low someone must have sexed up the suspension, which leave you wondering….. why would anyone do that to a soccer mum mobile….

Secondly, it is with great fondness in my heart I bring up the topic on convenience stores (aka Quike marts) In Japan, this truly have evolved, firstly the food they provide won’t result in instant food poisoning, and two there is little to no fear of finding yourself in a hostage situation. So they are everywhere and are now what I would describe as an integral part of the Japanese existence. Good blog on the topic.

Anyhow, that brings me to the second picture … Fanta Apple… Japan seems to love experimenting with the flavors available with Fanta, so much so, I don’t think I have seen ordinary Fanta for a while. Which leaves me to ask, why can’t I get bloody Lift?

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