
Posts Tagged ‘iPad’

iPad + settling back in to Tokyo

July 5, 2010 1 comment

So we have almost settled back into Tokyo now after that whirlwind tour of hong kong. Things here are much the same despite a few notable exceptions. The one I’m most upset over being the closure of our favorite ramen restaurant. We are almost ready to move into our new apartment, which is good as there is only so log you can survive out of a suitcase.
Having said that will most likely be heading off to London again in the neat future. The new role is definitely a challenge, but one I’m looking forward to.

This is for those (few) readers who read my blog and are interested in technical gizmos…. I finally managed ti lay my hands on an iPad, as a matter of fact I’m typing this post on it and I have to say I’m extremely impressed…. Everyone I know who owns one has said it has essentially replaced their laptops at home and whilst I definitely won’t be coding on it, I can’t see many tasks which I would need to grab my laptop for. I’d stop short of calling it magical, but I’d have to say this has impressed me way more than the iPhone.

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